
Microcontroller Programming

At N-Tec labs we offer intensive microcontroller programming training. This includes the study of programming languages like c and assembly.

Microcontrollers are absolutely everywhere. They are used in all types of devices from cell phones to microwaves to ovens to washing machines to ipads, you name it. If it’s even a slightly complex electronic device, the odds are that it contains a microcontroller.

Our training takes place offline (Yaounde – Cameroon) and online within a specified period of time. Also, our training include the use of tools like Keil uVison , c compiler, assembler, burner/programmer and code editors.



What is a Microcontroller and Microcontroller Programming?

A microcontroller is an integrated circuit which contains a microprocessor along with memory and associated circuits that control some or all of the functions of an electronic device (such as a computer) or system. It is so called because this device comprises of transistors which are small in size (micro-meter).

Microcontroller programming is the process of coding a microcontroller for different purposes using a special software. They use Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as MCU 8051 IDE for their coding.

Why Learning Microcontroller Programming?

A microcontroller is a programmable IC, capable of multiple functions depending on how it’s programed. Many different kinds of microcontrollers exist that offer a wide range of functionality. The versatility of the microcontroller is what makes it one of the most powerful tools in modern design.

Being a microcontroller programmer opens doors to many careers such as:

  • Programmer analyst
  • Digital control designer  programmer
  • Embedded developer
  • Electrical engineer
  • Electronics engineer

Why Being A Microcontroller Programmer ?

  • Great opportunities, In our current society there are more new job openings than new graduated engineers. The two fields where you have the biggest amount of opportunities in engineering are computer sciences and electronics. A microcontroller programmer is skilled in both areas which increases the number of job offers you can apply to.
  • Easy to work abroad, microconroller programming and computer engineering as well as sales and marketing are the most requested fields when you want to work abroad. If you look at the website Mon Volontariat International dedicated to VIE contracts , you will notice numerous job openings related to these 4 fields. Provided that you know an international company or already work for one, it shouldn’t be too difficult to go work in one of the branches situated overseas because your skills are required almost everywhere.
  • A large number of applications, it’s important to know when you are looking for a job that fits you, if this latter will be enjoyable in the long term and if it’s not going to be boring after a few years. With the new technologies revolving around us and the expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT), microcontroller programming field is constantly growing. Therefore, you will always find an interesting field to work in that you have never experienced and in which you will learn extensively.


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